Bartimus is a minor character from the Philippine telefantasya Encantadia and Etheria, which is a prequel/sequel to the highly rated Encantadia. Bartimus is played by Filipino actor Noni Buencamino. In Book 1 of Encantadia, Daniel Fernando also played Bartimus uncredited, before he shifted to play Cilatus in Etheria.
Bartimus is the founder and first ruler of Hathoria.
Bartimus is the first King of Hathoria. He received the kingdom of Hathoria as compensation for the death of his wife, Arachn (Aranghe), who was slain by an Etherian prince. He appeared in Book 1 when Hagorn asked for help in the war.
Encantadia (Book 1)[]
Bartimus appeared in the flashback of Asval's storytelling although were mostly lies, he wasn't lying about the reason why Cassiopea cleaved the gem.
He formed an alliance with King Meno of Sapiro, Queen Cassiopea of Lireo and King Aegen of Adamya which lead to the fall of Etheria, the most powerful kingdom of Encantadia during his reign.
During the final battle of the force of Hathoria against the forces of Lireo, Sapiro, and Adamya; Hagorn sought help from Bartimus from the other side. Bartimus helped him and gave him Olarkas (Ogre-like creatures) and Hadezars (Undead Hathor soldiers) to form his army.
Etheria (Book 2)[]
The intervention of the Sang'gres greatly influenced the change in the death of Bartimus. He did not defect from the alliance of the four kingdoms which After the fall of Etheria he was killed by his own son Arvak so that he could rule Hathoria.
This betrayal dramatically altered Bartimus' history. It can be assumed that his spirit did not help Hagorn summon Hadezars in book 1 since he was murdered by both Hagorn and Arvak. It can be presumed that due to the changes in history, Hagorn summoned his father's spirit instead.
Promotional Gallery[]
Hathoria (2005-2006 series) |
Hathors: Bartimus | Arvak | Hagorn | Agane | Pirena | Mira Gurna | Hitano List of minor Hathors in Encantadia
Hathoria: Hathors | Hathoria | Brilyante ng Apoy |