The Brilyante ng Tubig (English: Gem of Water, Water Gem), is one of the five powerful elemental gems of Encantadia. This gem is the mystical manifestation of the Element of Water, which is also representing the clarity of mind, heart and spirit.
The Gem of Water is one of the five gem, and as a result of Cassiopeia cleaving the Inang Brilyante, the collective form of all the five elements of the world of Encantadia.
Powers and Abilities[]
Possessing the Water Gem typically gives its keeper near absolute dominion over all water forms, as well as life forms that live under its element.
Standard Powers[]
- Elemental Energy Projection - The ability to summon, form, mold and release energy and use it for offensive and defensive purposes. The Water Gem produces or releases energy made of bright clean green light and sometimes in water form, often use to create a dome of shield or a powerful stream of offensive blast.
- Blessing Bestowal/Hex/Curse Inducement - The magical ability to cast enchantment on an object, area, or person to possess a trait, gift, magical protection, or any special capabilities - usually following in accordance to its respective element. The water gem can grant any blessing to anything or anyone as long as the properties of the said blessing or curse will fall under the element of water. The gem can also be used to amplify a spell used by someone to take twice the succession. Alena used the gem to bestow blessings to Lira. She bestowed the blessing of being calm and caring just like the water; and strength and courage just like the waves when she needed it. Pirena used this ability as well to bestow Kahlil a blessing to kill Lira. Alena with Danaya and Pirena also used this ability again to strengthen and immunize the Avatar (with the Brilyantes of Lupa and Tubig) to be a weapon used to cleave a part of the Brilyante ng Apoy to fool Hagorn.
Unique Powers[]
- Hydrokinesis - The ability to control and manipulate any bodies of water. The brilyante can also summon water anywhere as Pirena used this ability to drown Hitano. It can also manipulate bodies of water powerful enough to create large water surge which height equals that of the towers of Lireo.
- Water Shield - The ability to produce a dome-shaped shield that can be use to block multiple attacks.
- Hemokinesis - Ability to turn all the water to blood if desired. Hagorn used this ability when he stole the gem from Pirena.
- Water Bubble - Alena used this ability to save Ybarro from falling.
- Hydro Communication - ability to communicate with the use of water. Pirena used this ability to send a message to Amihan. Pirena's face appeared on a waterfall and told Amihan that she held Lira captive.
- Wound Cleaning - Alena used this ability when Deshna got wounded by LilaSari.
- Hydro Detection - The ability to track living things by the use of their body fluids. Pirena used this ability to locate Lira through the help of water.
- Marine Life Manipulation - The power to manipulate marine life. This ability and other abilities that the gem grants isn't just for combat purposes, Alena used the gem to create a water display for Ybarro. Many glowing jellyfish floated out of the lake and surrounded Ybarro and Alena and created an illuminating performance for them, amusing the two.
- Tempestakinesis- Ability to create thunderstorms. Pirena used this ability to show the resistance army her wrath because her daughter Mira was taken away from her after the latter tried to end her own life.
Unique Abilities:[]
- Memory Manipulation - The ability to alter/erase the memories of any living being. After stealing the Brilyante ng Tubig from Alena, Pirena used this ability to wipe Alena's memories.
- Psychometry - The ability to discern past events. Alena used this ability to know how Avria stole the other gems.
- Brilyante ng Tubig and Brilyante ng Apoy: Pirena used the two Brilyantes to create a stronger attack against Danaya. Hagorn also used the two together with the Brilyante ng Diwa to create a shield for Lireo to block out Ivictus during his reign as King of Encantadia.
- Brilyante ng Tubig and Brilyante ng Lupa: When LilaSari and Danaya fused their Brilyantes they became a fusion known as Danaya-Sari.
The timeline of the gem's keepers[]
After the Mother gem was divided, Cassiopea took the gems and became its very first keeper.

Cassiopea gives the gem to Imaw.
The Brilyante ng Tubig was entrusted to Imaw by Cassiopea as a share of the Adamyans of the Mother Gem.

Imaw, the leader of the Adamya territory was the first keeper of the Gem of Water
Arvak plotted to raise their race's standards by obtaining another gem. Knowing that Adamya is the most vunerable because it has no defense unit, he came to Adamya to take it from Imaw. As expected, Arvak easily got the gem without even having to put up a fight. Cassiopea then came to Hathoria asking Arvak to return the gem but Arvak used the gem's powers combined with the gem of fire's against Cassiopeia. It was enough to make Cassiopea retreat for not having any edge against the two gems. Arvak brought out gem along with the gem of fire to make Armeo surrender the Brilyante ng Lupa but before he was able to give a command to the gem he got shot by an arrow. Raquim immediately took the gem from him before he breathed his last.
After Arvak's death, Raquim became the gem's keeper he kept the gem until he arrived in Lireo.
Raquim brought the gem along with the other two gems to Mine-a, Mine-a then became its keeper she used the gem to curse Hathoria. When not in Mine-a's possession, Mine-a would keep the gem in a guarded chamber along with the other three gems. Pirena tried to take the gem away but it vanished into water showing that the gem has a sense of security.

Alena surrendering Brilyante ng Tubig to Pirena, in disguise of Bathalang Emre.
After the Brilyante ng Apoy was stolen by Pirena, Mine-a decided it is best if she entrusts a gem to each of her daughters for safekeeping. Mine-a entrusted the Gem of Water to Alena. Alena used it once to kill herself by summoning it to create tsunami and drown her to death, due to depression of death of Ybarro, but it won't allow her to kill. Bathalang Emre showed up to Alena and asks to surrender the Gem of Water to Him in exchange of taking away all her sadness and depression and Alena willingly surrendered it. Bathalang Emre used to ability of the gem to wipe out all of Alena's memories. Alena also losed the possession of the water gem again during the Sapiro war when Pirena grabbed her arm and got burned due to Pirena's power given by the Bathalumang Ether. After a series of events, Pirena, after reading their late mother's (Ynang Reyna Mine-a) letter to her and coming to her senses. She eventually returned the water gem to Alena, as a sign of asking forgiveness to her.
After Alena lost her consciousness and it is revealed that it was not Bathalang Emre but Pirena in disguise. Pirena then became its keeper using it to aid her in battles, relay her messages to her enemies and create a protective barrier. After her father became her enemy, Pirena needed an ally so she summoned the kambal diwa of the Brilyante ng Tubig Agua. Pirena ordered Agua to look for Alena who was the keeper of the gem before her. Pirena burns Alena's arm and steal again the gem against Amihan to steal the throne of Sapiro and to make weakness of Alena and Amihan. However, after reading Ynang Reyna Mine-e's letter which is entrusted exclusively to her, she realized all of her wrongdoings and came to her senses, She returned the water gem to Alena as well as asking for forgiveness to her.
Hagorn asks Pirena to surrender the water gem to him. Pirena refused to comply so he threatened to get Mira in the mortal world and let them both feel his wrath. Pirena still stood up against his father and refused to surrender the gem. Hagorn showed the key to Asnamon Tree and requested Asval to get Mira in the mortal world. Pirena was shocked that he has it so she surrendered the water gem to Hagorn in exchange for the safety of her daughter.
After the forces of Amihan and Danaya decided to infiltrate Lireo and take it away from Hagorn's clutches, LilaSari used this opportunity to trick Hagorn thus stabbing him behind and then requesting Hagorn to surrender the Brilyante ng Tubig to her or else he will die. LilaSari wasn't able to make most out of the gem as its keeper other than fusing its powers with Danaya to become one being. Although LilaSari promised Alena she would give back the gem to her, LilaSari ended up giving it to Amihan instead.

Amihan gives back the gem to Alena.
When LilaSari wanted to have a peaceful life away from the battlefields, she gave Amihan the gem. Not wanting to do anything with it anymore. Amihan becomes its temporary keeper until she gave it back to Alena upon returning to Lireo.
Alena upon regaining the gem allowed her to her armor once again during battles but her possessing the gem was short lived as Pirena tricked her to giving up the gem using her newly acquired powers from Ether.
2005 - 2006 series[]
Abilities granted to its keeper[]
- Aqua Shield The power to create shields out of water. Alena first showcased this ability to create a large shield that defies energy blasts when she and Danaya are battling an Argona. The shield is breakable and cannot stand long term damaging though. The keeper can also construct a shield which will prevent anyone from knowing their private conversation.
- Marine Life Manipulation The power to manipulate marine life. Pirena used this ability to try and prevent Danaya from obtaining her gem at the sea thus, she summond a gigantic fish to chase after her. This ability and other abilities that the gem grants isn't just for combat purposes, Alena used the gem to create a water display for Ybarro. Many glowing fishes rose to the surface of the lake's water and formed their names (spelled in Enchanta) and a heart.
- Memory Wipeout After stealing the Brilyante ng Tubig from Alena, Pirena used this granted ability to erase Alena's memories.
- Blessing Granting Alena used the gem to bestow blessings to Lira.
- Hydro Communication a connection ability established between the gem and the keeper. The gem allows its keeper to use all forms of water to communicate. The keeper will also be alerted by water if there is something bad happening to its keeper's loved one.
- Thunderstorm Creation- Alena commanded the gem to create a thunderstorm when Amihan attempted to reconcile with her.
- Water Hallucination: The power to create hallucinations by making an Encantado/Encantada to see an image of their loved one being broken to pieces and when they reach out for the image and touch the water their hand is cvered in blood.
Story []

The gem solidifies as a gemstone.
The Brilyante ng Tubig was first kept by Imaw when Cassiopea divided the Elemental gem and gave the Adamyans their share. Imaw kept it in a small pouch bag that hangs from his neck. Arvak later attacked Adamya to steal the Brilyante ng Tubig which was shown as a solid gem. The gem was kept in a bag along with the two other gems collected by Arvak. Raquim managed to retrieve the gems and gave them to Queen Mine-a for safekeeping. Since then it was kept safe inside a sealed room in Lireo for many years. When Pirena had successfully stolen the gem of fire, Mine-a realized it is no longer safe to leave the other gems in the sealed room thus, she entrusted this gem to Alena. It didn't stay long in Alena's possession because Pirena tricked Alena by taking the form of Emre and asked for the gem. Pirena then became its keeper using its powers like summoning a sea monster and sealing Lira in a tower of Lireo. Alena managed to regain ownership of the Gem of Water when Pirena handed her the gem hoping she would be an ally of hers. Since then, the gem had been in Alena's possession. Using its powers against her enemies. In Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas, Alena used its full power against the Ivtre Odessa resulting her second death. Later in the Book, Alena is forced to give up the Gem of Water to save Arman's life. Hagorn then became its keeper using it to strengthen the troops of Hathoria. When Hagorn willingly killed himself, he handed the gem to Pirena. She kept it until Armea's coronation. At the conclusion of the series, Danaya gave the gem to Armea and she became its new keeper.
- The Brilyante ng Tubig had the most number of keepers throughout both the 2005 and 2016 series.
- In the 2005 series, the water gem assumes the shape of a two pointed diamond oval similar or exactly like the shape of the 2016 Brilyante ng Hangin. In the 2016 version the Brilyante ng Tubig swap shapes with the Brilyante ng Hangin.
- The 2016 design of the gem became a meme for looking like a Pokéball.
2005 - 2006[]
2016 - 2017[]
Mga Brilyante |
Brilyante ng Apoy | Brilyante ng Hangin | Brilyante ng Tubig | Brilyante ng Lupa | Ikalimang Brilyante
Inang Brilyante | Brilyante ng Pag-Asa |
Adamya (2005-2006 series) |
Adamyans: Aegen | Imaw | Imok | Banak | Nakba | Dilawan | Awoo | Paklong | Mermaids |