Punjabwe is a fictional place in the GMA 2016 Telefantasya series, Encantadia.
It was first mentioned in the series by Danaya when they were still young teens. Pirena asked the three why they called her and Amihan and Alena asks her to play with them to which Pirena tells them that they're too old to play such games. Danaya asks her to not be hardheaded and just play with them. Pirena asks what they are going to put on her face, Danaya responds and tells her that it is a pampinta ng mukha (face paint) that Alena got from Punjabwes.
It was also mentioned by Agane who disguised as a dancer from Punjabwe with her Vanguards with the secret intention to ambush the Barbaros.
Its denizens were mentioned by Wahid to Lira when they encountered punjabwe pirates on their way to Devas.
Later in the series, two Punjabwe scouts tried to steal gold from Ybrahim in Sapiro.
It is seen in the series in the episode, Balik Encantadia.
Punjabwes is a tribe under Sapiro that is well-known for making mechanical gadgets and for having a wide knowledge in the modern techology of Encantadia.
Men from this tribe were born to become pirates/henchmen. When they reach a certain age, they need to be trained in the arts of fighting. That's why men from this tribe are well-skilled in fighting. They use different tactics in fightin, that's wh even if they're not on land they are still good in fights.
Women from this tribe are born to serve as wives for men in order to produce an offspring.
Denizens of this tribe are called Punjabweans.
- It was first called in the series as "Punjabwes" but it was then called in Pagligtas as "Punjabwe"; the tribe's name was confirmed in Balik Encantadia to be Punjabwe.